865.01/12–1044: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

932. My 927, December 9, 9 p.m.16 Although it is too soon to assess with certainty the significance of the new Government, it is apparent from the competition [composition?] of the Cabinet that the Communists and Christian Democrats are in a position to dominate Government policy. The Communists were well rewarded for their participation; with Togliatti as Vice President, Bonomi will probably not have as free a hand as in the previous Government and will undoubtedly find it more difficult to temporize. Control of the key Ministries of Agriculture and Occupied Territory will greatly facilitate the Party’s activities among agricultural workers and fortify their already dominant influences in the Partisan movement of North Italy. As regards the Finance Ministry, today’s L’Unita17 states flatly that Communist policy is “to get the money wherever you can find it” (see my 930, December 10, noon18). It is probable that the list of Under Secretaries to be completed today will show a strategic distribution further strengthening the Communist position and the control in depuration is yet to be clarified.

Bonomi in commenting today on the new Government expressed satisfaction with its composition which he felt would tend to greater unity and effectiveness. He added that the Action Party had always contributed a disturbing element in the former Government and that the Communists who up to the present had not manifested intransigeance would at any rate be well counterbalanced by the three moderate parties.

The official list of Ministers and Under Secretaries will be published tomorrow unless any objection is offered by British sources which is not expected. The requisite undertakings as to commitments to the Allies are in process of completion and it is understood that the Government will take office on Dec. 12.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Communist newspaper published in Rome.
  3. Telegram not printed.