865.01/2655a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)67

1489. For your background information only. The following is a paraphrase of a telegram received from Prime Minister Churchill to the President quoting a message from Stalin in reply to the Prime Minister’s message concerning the formation of the Bonomi Government in Italy.

Begin paraphrase. I have received from Stalin the following message:

“I have received your message in regard to the departure of Badoglio which was also unexpected to me. I had not imagined that Badoglio could be removed and Bonomi appointed without the permission of the British and American Allies. Judging from your [Page 1133] message, however, this event occurred irrespective of the desire of the Allies. From this fact it must be assumed that certain Italian circles are preparing to attempt to alter to their own advantage the terms of the Armistice. You may rely in any event on no objection from the Soviet Government should you and the Americans consider that circumstances make it necessary to have a different government in Italy from that of the Bonomi Government.” End paraphrase.

We have not had the Prime Minister’s message to which this is a reply.

  1. Repeated on the same date to Algiers as telegram 1878, and to Naples as 198.