
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Director of the Office of Economic Affairs (Haley)

Dr. Honig called to discuss the proposed press release with regard to the Rubber Study Group. He had the same changes in it to suggest which had already been suggested by the British and which had already been approved by us. I told him that we would accept his proposed changes.

Dr. Honig also suggested that in the terms of reference of the proposed Study Group we should change (2) to read as follows:

“To collect and examine the available data and to initiate studies which bear on these common problems.”

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I assured him that there would be no objection to this change in the terms of reference.

Dr. Honig also inquired as to the meaning of the statement that this Government would be willing to engage in discussions on a bilateral basis with regard to rubber problems of mutual concern. I pointed out to him that this statement had particular reference to Brazil and to other countries such as Haiti with respect to which there were matters concerning rubber of rather narrower significance than would come before the Rubber Study Group and which might properly be considered on a bi-lateral basis without in any way affecting the work of the Rubber Study Group. I assured him that the proposal would not have reference to possible bi-lateral discussions with governments who were represented in the Rubber Study Group. This satisfied him.

Dr. Honig was interested in knowing when the next meeting of the Rubber Study Group was likely to be held. He hoped that it would be at least as late as December or January, so that possibly individuals now in occupied Holland might be available to participate. I thought that the discussions might be postponed to December but that I personally would hope that they might be held before January. In any event, there might be an opportunity for Mr. Franks, Dr. Honig and myself to discuss this matter further if Mr. Franks came back to Washington from Montreal before returning to England. If this proved feasible I undertook to let him know and to arrange for such a meeting of the three of us. He agreed to this procedure.