102.1/10–1844: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

9036. From Department, Treasury, and FEA. Reurtel 8897, October 18, 1944. Although this Government feels that it would be desirable to obtain a commitment from the neutral governments, in a procedure similar to that now being followed with respect to Switzerland, this Government is not prepared to insist upon this matter in view of the position now taken by the British. In the interests of expediting action on presentation of the gold notes, you are authorized to inform the British and the missions in Stockholm, Lisbon, Ankara, and Madrid,53 that immediate action should be taken along lines indicated by MEW. Without further consultation with Department, you may therefore issue instructions to the above-mentioned missions and arrange for simultaneous action by the [Page 242] British and our missions in the countries named. Please request missions to inform Department, Treasury and FEA of action taken and of any developments.

  1. By the end of 1944, none of these Governments had indicated willingness to subscribe to the gold declaration.