800.8830 Coal/251a: Airgram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)

A–1052. A weekly report of ships arriving at Argentine ports transmitted to the Department by the Embassy at Buenos Aires shows that Argentine freighters arrived in Buenos Aires on February 6, 1943 and February 8, 1943 from Pôrto Alegre carrying 750 tons of coal and 2,150 tons of coal, respectively, and that a Uruguayan freighter arrived in Buenos Aires on February 14, 1943 from Pôrto Alegre carrying 580 tons of coal.

In view of the large movement of coal from the United States to Brazil and the insistency of the Brazilian authorities to increase such movement, and in view of your despatch no. 10065 of February 8, 194347 concerning the various regulations now being enforced in Brazil to prohibit the exportation of such materials as are needed in the domestic economy, it would be appreciated if the Embassy could obtain from the Brazilian Government an explanation of the abovementioned coal shipments to Argentina.

  1. Not printed.