033.1110 Wallace, Henry A./83: Telegram
The Ambassador in Peru (Norweb) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 13—1:03 a.m.]
348. For the Acting Secretary and Duggan. The Minister for Foreign Affairs9 asked me to call on him this afternoon. He said [Page 60] that it had come to the attention of his Government that an effort would be made to arrange a meeting between Haya de la Torre10 and Mr. Wallace during the latter’s coming visit to Lima. The Minister stated that while such a meeting would be natural according to the political system in the United States it would not be understood in Peru.
I am not sure if the Minister actually had some information about the alleged plan for a meeting or was sending up a trial balloon in order to find out if I had heard anything. I told him that I knew nothing about any such plan. Obviously any such contact would not be understood by the Prado11 Government.