740.24112 RP/15: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Bolivia (Boal)
1286. Your despatch no. 2320, October 1, 1943.54 Department believes that communication on defects in present Bolivian controls and on suggestions for replacement program would be better received if: (1) invitation to submit such a memorandum were given by the Bolivian Government; or (2) the memorandum were worked out by a Bolivian official, working with the assistance of officials of the Embassy. The Department feels that the presentation of an unsolicited memorandum by the Embassy might be considered by the Bolivians as unjustified intervention.
It is believed that the procedure suggested above would minimize political difficulties which might otherwise arise, and that Bolivian sponsorship of the memorandum would aid its chances for acceptance.
The Department believes that the status of Bolivian controls does not warrant a relaxation of the Proclaimed List and, therefore, if a memorandum is requested by the Bolivian Government, no reference should be made to the considerations set forth in the Department’s circular instruction of August 20, 1943.55
Please inform Department of developments.