740.24112 RP/9
The Acting Secretary of State to the Bolivian Ambassador (Guachalla)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency’s note of September 16, 1943 relative to the elimination from the economy of Bolivia of those private interests whose continued existence endangers the security of Bolivia.
This Government has noted the intentions and desires of the Government of Bolivia to effect a prompt transfer of interests in certain business enterprises essential to the economy of Bolivia from undesirable parties identified with the Axis nations to acceptable persons or firms.
In accordance with the request set forth in the note under reference, this Government hereby gives its assurance that it is prepared through the Export-Import Bank to establish credits, not to exceed in the aggregate $2,000,000, to assist the replacement program in the event that this program may require financial resources beyond those which the Bolivian Government or private sources within Bolivia may be able to furnish. The credits will be made available, in the discretion of the Export-Import Bank, at a time and in a manner approved by the Bank, through the Bolivian Development Corporation or other channels acceptable to the Bank in cases in which the reorganization of a business enterprise falling within a replacement program, based upon effective legislative and other appropriate measures, has either been consummated or has progressed to a point satisfactory to the Bank.
Accept [etc.]