740.00112A European War 1939/33970: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Bolivia (Boal)
969. Your 1263, July 21, 2 p.m. The text of the proposed exchange of notes in regard to the program for replacement of Axis firms was discussed by the Department July 22 with Ambassador Guachalla, who has telegraphed his Foreign Office requesting permission to enter into the exchange.
[Here follows the substance of a note from the Bolivian Ambassador dated September 16, printed on page 604, and of the reply dated October 4, printed on page 605.]
You will note that it is not contemplated that any credits would be made available under the present intervention scheme but only in connection with a replacement program in cases in which the Export-Import Bank was satisfied with the reorganization of a particular business enterprise. In your conversations with the Bolivian authorities, you should make it clear that the figure of $2,000,000 is an aggregate total and that the actual amounts to be made available would depend on the demonstrated needs for outside capital in each case. It is not envisaged that large credits will necessarily be required.