740.00112A European War 1939/33970: Telegram

The Ambassador in Bolwia (Boal) to the Secretary of State

1263. For Latty, Foreign Funds Control.50 I called on the Foreign Minister today at his request accompanied by Woodward and Eamsey. [Page 601] We discussed the functioning of the interventors and the Foreign Minister and his advisers appeared disposed to bring about a greater scope of control by the interventors than now exists. The Foreign Minister has evidently had no word from Ambassador Guachalla regarding the projected exchange of notes and aid which might be granted through the Export-Import Bank and the Development Corporation. He asked me what progress had been made on this matter up to the time I left Washington. I told him discussions on the subject were progressing favorably when I left.

Please telegraph me what has been done on this matter since July 2 whether it has been taken up with Guachalla and whether notes have been exchanged or if not when they will be exchanged. If exchange of notes has been agreed upon with Guachalla, please telegraph them in full to the Embassy here as no confidential airmail drafts of the notes have been received.

  1. Elvin R. Latty, of the Department’s Foreign Funds Control Division.