740.0011 European War 1939/29245: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Bolivian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Elio)
I have received your telegram of April 27, 1943,39 stating that in harmony with the Bolivian Government’s decree of April 7 declaring a state of war between Bolivia and the Axis nations, the Bolivian Government considers that the time has come to contribute more completely to the program of purposes and principles of the Atlantic Charter; that now when the greater part of the civilized world is fighting for liberty and independence, Bolivia desires to increase its [Page 549] efforts in the struggle; and that accordingly Bolivia formally adheres to the Declaration by United Nations of January 1, 1942.
It is a source of genuine satisfaction for the Government of the United States, as depository for the Declaration, to welcome Bolivia as one of the United Nations; to see Bolivia thus associated with thirty-one other freedom-loving nations which have pledged themselves to employ their full resources in the struggle against the common enemies.
Please accept the renewed assurances of my high esteem.
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