710 Consultation (3)A/459: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chairman of the Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense (Guani)

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s telegram of December 24 transmitting the text of a resolution approved by the Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense on December 23 [24] in which it resolved:

“To recommend to the American Governments which have declared war on the Axis powers or have broken relations with them, that for the duration of the present world conflict they do not proceed to the recognition of a new government instituted by force, before consulting among themselves for the purpose of determining whether this government complies with the Inter-American undertakings for the defense of the continent, nor before carrying out an exchange of information as to the circumstances which have determined the establishment of said government”.

I desire to inform you that this Government wholeheartedly approves of the foregoing resolution. In accordance with it, this Government stands ready to consult and exchange information with the other American Republics which have declared war against or have severed diplomatic relations with the Axis, in situations to which the resolution applies.
