837.24/1213: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Braden)

A–1160. Embassy’s telegram 222, of April 9, 1943.64 The Board of Economic Warfare hopes that the decentralization plan for Cuba will become fully operative on all commodities by July 1. The Embassy is requested to inform the Department as soon as possible what the prospects are.

In the meantime, until July 1, the Board of Economic Warfare will accept the outstanding certificates of necessity issued by the Cuban Import-Export Agency for allocated commodities and will also accept applications for export license for free-supply commodities, other than those listed in Embassy’s telegram no. 222,65 unaccompanied by import recommendations.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Commodities listed in telegram No. 222 with their corresponding Schedule B numbers, were soda ash; caustic soda; carded cotton yarn; radio transmitting equipment; unexposed motion picture film; electric incandescent, vapor, and non-filament lamps; naval stores gums and resins; paraffin; lumber; and newsprint. Schedule B was a statistical classification of domestic and foreign commodities exported from the United States, drawn up by the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce.