394.1153/10: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 15—11:40 p.m.]
338. American interests China. Department’s 1833, July 23 [1942]. Swiss Foreign Office reports Swiss Minister Tokyo7 intervened Japanese Government basis Department’s 1833, requesting similar treatment American enterprises Shanghai. Japanese Foreign Office replied memorandum which Swiss Legation Tokyo summarizes telegram January 9 as follows:
(Translation from French) “As personnel Japanese companies America almost all arrested, interned, their participation liquidation enterprises not generally authorized and generally requests examine books and archives refused. Majority cases liquidation Japanese companies effected former American employees or Americans Japanese origins under direction supervisor Treasury or Federal Reserve without Japanese allowed participate. Japanese Government knows only one case where Japanese authorized examine part company’s balance sheet, another case Japanese received month-end accounts but these confiscated upon his repatriation. Even uninterned Japanese not authorized participate liquidation companies which supervisor exclusively does. These Japanese received instructions appear own offices only as legal witnesses, prohibited even examine account books and could only examine necessary documents presence supervisor (case Pacific Trading Company, San Francisco). Japanese Government aware one or two cases (Japanese Cotton Company, Dallas, Texas, for example) where Japanese could participate liquidation enterprises, collect amounts due and meet obligations. But even these cases could not take documents outside office. Most Japanese personnel Japanese banks arrested, requests examine books, archives refused, liquidation these banks exclusively by superintendents or examiners assisted by former American employees or Americans Japanese origin. Among uninterned Japanese some at requests American authorities gave explanations concerning transactions and assistance certain operations, but none had access books except Japanese personnel New York Branch Sumitomo Bank. Even these could only examine books and archives of Bank but not books regarding liquidation. This enterprise done by American authorities.”
Swiss Foreign Office adds:
“Above information supplied Japanese Government by Japanese repatriated8 formerly composing personnel banks and business houses [Page 1085] United States. Japanese Foreign Office knows only small number cases where Japanese informed regarding circumstances of liquidation, when begun. Japanese Government considers measures taken property repatriated Japanese from American West Coast unjustified many respects.
From information received regarding liquidation Japanese property summarized above memorandum Japanese Government concludes information furnished by American Government does not accord measures actually taken by American authorities under these conditions, finds necessary reject request American Government made with apparent object obtain reciprocally authorization American citizens Shanghai examine books, archives companies in order prepare inventories and settle affairs. Japanese Government decided proceed liquidation enemy property and administration according Japanese laws. Regarding participation liquidation, American citizens will examine each case due regard measures applied United States towards Japanese subjects.”
- Camille Gorgé.↩
- For correspondence on this subject, see Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. i, pp. 377 ff.↩