811B.142/4: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

225. American interests—Far East. Contents Department’s 2885 December 2296 transmitted Swiss Legation Tokyo.

Swiss Foreign Office reports January 9 following:

“Swiss Minister Tokyo states despite several personal endeavors [he has] not succeeded up to present obtain reply from Japanese Government this subject, difficulties apparently caused by unwillingness agree [Page 1013] direct remittance funds to American citizens or distribution relief through Swiss representative.

Minister Gorgé therefore proposed Japanese Government accept designation delegate Intercroixrouge97 to distribute $25,000 to American citizens Manila as already done Hong Kong.”

  1. Not printed (811B.142/2 Suppl.); it stated that immediate financial assistance to Americans in the Philippines was urgently required and asked for the Swiss Government’s suggestion as to practical means of making American funds available to these Americans should the Japanese Government not be favorably disposed to the Department’s proposal. This proposal, set forth in telegram No. 2075, September 1, 1942, to the Minister in Switzerland (811B.142/1a), entailed sending $25,000 of American Red Cross funds to its Philippine Chapter.
  2. International Red Cross Committee at Geneva, or Intercross.