125.5743/93: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

2985. American interests—Philippine Islands. United States Government has received names of many American civilians interned in the Philippine Islands but has received none of the names of the persons held at Los Banos, some or all of whom are understood to have been transferred from other camps.

As Article 77 of the Geneva Prisoners of War Convention, which both Japan and the United States are endeavoring to apply to civilian internees to the extent adaptable, provides that names shall be reported of both internments and transfers as well as releases on parole, repatriations, escapes, stays in hospital, deaths, et cetera, for each individual, United States Government would be grateful if Swiss Legation would find it possible to induce Japanese Government, which has reported names of some internees, to report all names as provided in Article 77, particularly with respect to Los Banos and any other camps where names of internees have not yet been fully reported.
