740.00114A Pacific War/365: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

1679. American interests Japan. Prisoners of war. Department’s 32 January 4. Swiss Legation Tokyo communicated Department’s 32 [to] Japanese authorities. Following [is] reply.

  • “1. Prisoners of war suffering illnesses undetermined causes sent [for] observation military medical school Tokyo where ascertained all cases illness not necessarily due lack vitamines. Observation patients continue receive immediately appropriate treatment. Japanese authorities attach great importance question vitamines. Ill [Page 970] prisoners of war receive special treatment particularly vitamine injections or barley flour with large vitamine content.
  • 2. When camp opened, permission prisoners correspond outside greatly limited by necessity censorship. Regulations will be liberalized soon.
  • 3. Japanese Government already made known regulations regarding prisoners-of-war work pay (Legation’s 905, February 9).

Japanese authorities added canteen soon be established camp near Tokyo.[”]
