
The Spanish Embassy to the Department of State

No. 249
Ex. 108.03

The Spanish Embassy presents its compliments to the Department of State and begs to transmit hereafter a Memorandum just received from the Japanese Government, through the “Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores” in Madrid, relative to the articles and material for charitable purposes and luggage to be shipped aboard the second exchange vessel, and which reads as follows:

Memorandum—August 26th, 1943

“The second Nipo-American exchange will be conducted under the same bases specified in the agreement for the first exchange. The alien nationals repatriated of both sides will be allowed to take with them their essential personal effects, provided the exchange-vessel has sufficient capacity, and with the understanding that they are to be transported to the port of embarkation in sufficient time to be put on board the exchange vessel. While the Imperial Japanese Government has granted the request of the American Government for the shipment on board the Japanese exchange-vessel of 3,000 tons of articles destined to the aid and comfort of American internees and prisoners in different locations of the Far East, it cannot consent that the shipment of these articles and material will, in any way, limit or interfere with the quantity of baggage that each repatriated Japanese will take with him on the exchange vessel. Therefore, the Imperial Japanese Government wishes the American Government to be informed of its point of view, and would urgently appreciate being apprised of their own views on the subject, so as to serve as a guide in the decision of the Japanese Government.”