740.0011 European War 1939/28983: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Standley) to the Secretary of State

317. The following items of military interest are reported:

Polish Military Attaché1 informs me that the Soviet military authorities are in process of organizing military units composed of refugees from Poland who are regarded by the Soviet Government as Soviet nationals.
Foreign Military Attachés in Kuibyshev state that the Soviet Government is now organizing and training a special army of occupation which will eventually number 1,500,000 men; that this army is being recruited from those of the lowest age liable to conscription; and that the army will not be used to replace regular forces until enemy territory is occupied. Some color is lent this report by the fact that there have recently been observed in the streets of Kuibyshev groups of recent conscripts marching in ranks who did not appear to be over 16 years of age.

Repeated to Moscow.

  1. Lt. Col. Tadeusz Rudnicki.