660D.6231/151: Telegram

The Chargé in Finland (McClintock) to the Secretary of State

428. Local press March 14 announcing conclusion Finnish-German 1943 trade agreement together with supplementary agreements covering goods exchange with Belgium, Netherlands, Norway “guaranteeing [Page 250] Finnish food supply through German deliveries until next harvest” published following statement by Von Fieandt, head of Finnish delegation:

“Present agreement’s significance apparent remembering last year 72% Finnish imports came from Germany, 64% exports went to Germany besides which trade with Norway, Netherlands, Belgium totalled 3% of imports, 8% of exports.

Well-known fact small country’s production always comparatively one-sided this particularly true Finland’s case because geographic, climatic conditions. Nevertheless, our products essential for other countries. In order import needed textile, raw material, wood, wool we must export cellulose, in order produce cellulose must have foreign coal, coal mines again require our pitprops thus Finland and customers complete each other words fullest sense.

Concluding present agreement both countries strive best ability meet other signatory’s reasonable requirements. Germany undertakes supply vital commodities practically same quantities as last year though we unable off pay [pay off or] even reduce clearing debt. Can assure Finland her side does everything maintain exports essential maintenance our trade balance. My opinion our trade Germany current year within agreements framework promises develop satisfactorily as last year.

Needless say cooperation between Finnish German trade delegations been pleasant cordial as always.”
