The Secretary of State to the Irish Minister (Brennan)
My Dear Mr. Minister: Reference is made to your note dated December 4, 1943 stating that the Irish Shipping Limited, an agency of the Irish Government, has been negotiating with the States Marine Corporation for the purchase of the SS Wolverine and that application for approval of the proposed sale was being made to the United States Maritime Commission. Your note requested that the State Department recommend to the War Shipping Administration that the proposed sale be approved.
I have given this matter careful consideration and regret to inform you that for reasons which I am explaining to Mr. de Valera through the American Minister in Ireland I have not been able to make the recommendation which the Irish Government requested. This matter has been discussed with the President who concurs in this decision.
I am informed that the United States Maritime Commission on December 7 denied the application as not being in the best interests of the United States.
Sincerely yours,