740.00112 European War 1939/8542: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
3372. Your 3576, May 24. We fully concur as to the desirability of obtaining formal commitment from the Swiss regarding Axis use of rail facilities in Switzerland. In our opinion, however, the Swiss should be asked to limit the volume of general Axis traffic to recent average levels as well as to continue to refuse transport of troops and military stores. We should also like the Swiss to furnish us with complete monthly statistics on Axis traffic over their rail lines, if possible.
American Legation at Bern has recently been informed by Swiss officials that the list of contraband materials used by the Swiss exceeds in strictness and comprehension the list embodied in the Hague treaties and that a careful inspection is made at the border to prevent evasion according to the same officials. However we agree that it would be desirable to have the Swiss make a more decisive and detailed statement on these matters.
It is suggested that the British and ourselves make representations simultaneously to the Swiss in Washington and London in order to keep this question entirely separate from other issues under negotiation. Accordingly, if the British Government agrees, please inform [Page 842] us when they propose to inform the Swiss Minister in London in order that we may deliver a memorandum to the Legation here at the same time.