740.00112 European War 1939/8542: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

3576. For Department and BEW. MEW has consulted Embassy with respect to possible German pressure on Switzerland for a transit of troops and military material. In order to forestall such action, it was provisionally agreed that a communication, either verbal or in writing, should be addressed to the Swiss Government along the following lines:

“It is obvious that, as the result of recent developments in the Mediterranean theatre, the use of the Swiss Railways has become of greater importance than ever to the Axis, and is likely to become more important still. It would not be surprising if the Germans were to subject the Swiss Government to pressure to allow troops and military stores [Page 841] to be carried. In these circumstances, the British and United States Governments feel justified in asking the Swiss Government for a fresh assurance that such demands will be rejected. They were glad to observe the recent report that a truck which was found to contain military supplies was returned to Germany. There is however, reason to believe that the Axis are attempting to send military stores via Switzerland. They wish therefore to be informed as to what steps the Swiss authorities are taking to inspect all consignments from Germany to Italy and vice versa, and in particular what check is kept over the contents of sealed wagons. As regards the definition of military stores, they wish to point out that any oil despatched through Switzerland must, in present circumstances, be certainly intended for military use. They therefore ask for an assurance that the Swiss Government are not permitting, and will not permit, the carriage of any oil whatsoever.”

MEW is taking up this question urgently with the Foreign Office and has requested the Embassy to obtain as soon as possible the views of the American Government. Please instruct urgently if you concur in action proposed and if so the manner in which you desire the approach to be made to the Swiss Government.
