
The Naval Observer at the American Consulate at Fort-de-France (Hickey) to the French High Commissioner in the French West Indies (Robert)

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the following message has been forwarded to me from the President of the United States with instructions to deliver it to you:

Message From Washington:

“The President desires that Admiral Robert be informed of the following:

The United States is agreeable to his relinquishing his authority in the French Antilles to a Frenchman approved by the Government of the United States.
The United States will provide transportation for Admiral Robert and his entourage to a United States port after which they will be given asylum.
We are not prepared to make any commitments whatever to Admiral Robert prior to his departure.
The United States insists that the French gold now in Martinique shall be safeguarded.
The United States insists that there shall be no transfers of bank credits to places outside the islands.
Henri Hoppenot, now Chief of the Civilian Services of the French Military Mission here, has been suggested by Algiers as temporary successor to Admiral Robert and would be acceptable to us. He is prepared to take over directly from Admiral Robert or from whoever Admiral Robert desires to place in charge pending his arrival.
All questions concerning the future administration of the islands, including questions involving food supplies, merchant and Naval ships, will be discussed by the United States with the new French Authorities and not with Admiral Robert.”

Admiral Hoover wishes me to inform you that he personally feels that persons and property will be kindly dealt with and safeguarded [Page 246] though he cannot guarantee it. Admiral Hoover feels it would be advisable to leave while relations are fairly good and that no more provisions should be made.

Accept [etc.]

A. S. Hickey

Captain, USN