851.01/2216: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 7—6 p.m.]
3855. Personal to the Secretary. Mr. Eden told me this afternoon that he had not gone to North Africa in connection with the French political negotiations, that he and the Prime Minister had been absent in the field during the first 2 days of the negotiations, and that they had not seen Generals Giraud and de Gaulle until Admiral Cunningham’s lunch. Eden had limited his action to giving full support to Murphy and Macmillan.
He said that the Prime Minister and he hoped to transfer present British financial support from General de Gaulle to the newly constituted French Committee of National Liberation and they hoped to enter into agreements with that body similar to those now existing with the Fighting French. He said that he hoped our Government would support the British in this policy.