740.0011 Moscow/160: Telegram

President Chiang Kai-shek to President Roosevelt 16


I and the people and army of our entire nation feel deeply gratified on learning of the signature of the Joint Four-Nation Declaration. This act of historic importance makes manifest to the world the righteousness of the cause against aggression. It will not only strengthen the cooperation of our Four Nations for the fulfilment of our common faith, but will also give all peace-loving peoples of the world an assurance of the establishment of international peace and general security, and thereby constitutes an unsurpassed contribution to the future of the world. China is proud to have taken part in the consummation of the Declaration, and I wish to offer you, Mr. President, my heartiest congratulations. This Declaration owes much in its making to your wise directions and the endeavors of Secretary of State Cordell Hull at the Conference, which command our deepest admiration. Please accept my sincere and grateful appreciation.

  1. Transmitted to the Acting Secretary of State by the Chinese Ambassador (Wei) in a covering letter dated November 4, 1943.