Memorandum by Mr. William E. DeCourcy, Executive Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State (Shaw)99
Mr. Shaw: For your information, in connection with the attached memorandum of November 11 from Mr. Hornbeck,99a I am giving below the names of the chief representatives of other civilian agencies of the Government assigned to Chungking:
- FEA (OEW) Walter W. Fowler
- FEA (OLLA) J. Franklin Ray
- OWI Francis M. Fisher
- IDC John K. Fairbanks, who is to be replaced within the near future by George Kates.
Until recently Clyde Sargent represented the OSS in Chungking, but as OSS operations in China are now to be carried on under the direction of the theater commander, Mr. Sargent will not be attached to the Embassy when he returns.
All of the above listed representatives have been designated “Special Assistant—American Embassy” at the specific request of Ambassador Gauss, who preferred that designation to the usual one of “Special Assistant to the American Ambassador”. I have not seen any reports from the Embassy in Chungking complaining of the activities of other civilian agencies and if proper supervision and control is not being exercised in accordance with the provisions of D.S. No. 3553 of August 15, 1942,1 responsibility must rest, to a large extent, with the Embassy itself. I suggest that an instruction be sent to the Embassy requesting a report on the situation.