
The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

No. 1209

Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch No. 1183 of June 23, 1942, concerning the movement in Uruguay in favor of the resumption of relations with Russia and a conversation which I had with Dr. Guani on June 23.

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Reference is made also to my confidential telegram No. 527 of June 23 for the Under Secretary and to the Under Secretary’s reply (Department’s telegram No. 385 of June 25).

Yesterday, I conveyed the Under Secretary’s views verbally to Dr. Guani. He expressed his appreciation.

He stated that he was of course aware of the desirability of having a very definite understanding regarding non-intervention in the domestic affairs of other countries; that the question was fundamental; and that such an understanding with the Soviet Government must be an essential condition of an eventual resumption of relations.

Dr. Guani said further that he did not intend to precipitate matters and that, before taking any steps looking towards the resumption of relations with Russia, he would consult with the Governments of other American republics. He mentioned in particular in this connection the United States, Brazil, and Chile. He intimated that he would not want Uruguay to be the only South American country to résumé relations.

In the course of our conversation, Dr. Guani remarked that the principal, if not the only, reason for considering the resumption of relations with Russia at this time was that country’s magnificent military resistance.

On the whole, his remarks yesterday were of a nature to convey the impression that he might be less inclined to take early action than his statements quoted in my earlier despatches would indicate. I believe that the change or apparent change in his attitude is to be attributed to the circumstance that he had in the meantime given the matter more serious thought and was weighing his words more carefully than on former occasions.

Respectfully yours,

William Dawson