861.24/855a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Second Secretary of Embassy in the Soviet Union (Thompson), at Moscow
66. “From Harry L. Hopkins to General Faymonville. In view of the approaching termination of the period of the Moscow Protocol, it seems desirable that steps be taken to arrange for a definite program of munitions and raw materials aid to provide for the continuance of supply after June. While the shipments under the Protocol have not been as great as we would have wished, our desire to be of the greatest possible help has been most sincere. The shipments this month should be very important. Every possible effort will be made to meet all Protocol commitments at the earliest possible date. The United States remains firm in the belief that material aid to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is of the highest strategical importance. We think it might be wise to hold a conference in Washington with representatives of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the United States in order to develop in the most effective way a realistic future aid program; Your personal views are requested as to the desirability for such a conference and as to where and when it should be held. Please feel perfectly free to express your personal opinions.”