Moscow Embassy Files: Lot F–96
The People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union (Molotov) to the American Chargé in the Soviet Union (Henderson)
Esteemed Mr. Henderson: I inform you herewith of the following message from Premier I. V. Stalin to President Franklin D. Roosevelt:
“Personal and Secret Message from Premier Stalin to President Roosevelt.
“I thank you for your message which I received on November 21. I understand well your desire to explain the complicated military situation to the people of Australia and New Zealand and also your attention to operations in the Southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. As concerns operations in the Mediterranean Sea, which are developing so auspiciously and which are significant in that they may change the whole military situation in Europe, I now share your opinion that appropriate consultations between the Staffs of the United States of America, Great Britain, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are desirable.
“I send you sincere greetings and best wishes for new successes in the matter of a further offensive.
The message indicated I have telegraphed tor Mr. Litvinov for delivery to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
I beg you [etc.]