740.00112 European War 1939/5021: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the United Kingdom (Matthews)
1296. Embassy’s 1457 and 1458, March 26, midnight. The memorandum on Switzerland is not yet ready for transmission. In any case, the summary statement given by MEW raises questions which are not completely covered in present draft of memorandum and which have apparently reached a somewhat advanced stage as a result of discussions between the British and Swiss Governments. In these circumstances it is suggested that Riefler and Embassy representative participate in the meetings without any commitment on our part in order to inform this Government fully (1) what commodities Switzerland proposes to export to the United Kingdom and the United States, and (2) what raw materials Switzerland desires sent in return for these commodities. It is assumed that the American representatives will in the course of the discussions be informed of the quantities of these raw materials which would be requested of the United States. Upon the receipt of this or related information, further instructions will be sent.
BEW concurs.