Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State
The Minister of Iceland called at his request. After some general exchange of observations he said that the Prime Minister of Iceland desired to advance the proposal that the new Parliament, to be elected at the forthcoming general elections, pass a resolution declaring that Iceland will become a republic in 1944. He stated that the adoption of this resolution would be after the normal expiration date of the Treaty of Union with Denmark, which was December 31, 1943. I promptly replied that there was no objection whatever on the part [Page 22] of this Government to the proposal of the Prime Minister. Furthermore, I added that this Government is always gratified to see a democracy function to the fullest practical extent. The Minister expressed himself as much pleased and said that his Government would likewise be much pleased. He added that his Government would be glad to hand a note to this effect to the American, Minister in Iceland and let him make a statement similar to the one which I am today making to the Minister here for his Government. I said that I saw no objection to this procedure.