740.00112 European War 1939/4506½
The Spanish Embassy to the Department of State
With reference to the request of the State Department for visas for the American observers whom the American Government wishes to send on board the Spanish tank[er]s Campilo and Campuzano, the Spanish Embassy is pleased to inform the Department that the Spanish Government has authorized that these visas be granted.
The Spanish Government has expressly directed the Spanish Embassy to reaffirm the full guarantees, already given, that the products which have been authorized by the American Government to be imported into Spain, will be for exclusive use within the Spanish territory and its possessions.
It adds that it considers preferable that American observers would check the quantities of petroleum products taken on board before [Page 275] the departure of the boats from the American ports and on their arrival at Spain. The reason why the Spanish Government makes this suggestion is with the purpose of avoiding the great risk which represents the presence on board of the American observers, and to save its responsibility.
The Spanish Government requests also this Embassy to point out to the State Department that when the proposal for the trip of the American observers on board the boats was made, there did not exist the dangers which the present changed circumstances have brought about.