
The Department of State to the Spanish Embassy


The Department of State has received the memorandum of the Spanish Embassy dated January 28, 1942, and notes that the Spanish [Page 268] Embassy has been instructed by its Government to lend its approval in principle to the proposals set forth in the Department’s aide-mémoire of January 13, 1942.20

Bearing in mind the shipments of cork to this country, already effected or on the way, and with the understanding that prompt arrangements will be made by the Spanish Government for further and substantial shipments both of cork and of zinc; and subject to the adoption and enforcement of all necessary police or other measures to guarantee that petroleum products supplied to Spain will be entirely and solely used by Spain, this Government has decided to release cargoes of gas oil for Spain to be loaded in the tankers Zorroza, in Aruba, and Campilo, in Port Arthur.

The Department desires to emphasize at this time that whereas the response of the Spanish Government to its proposals above referred to appears to offer a basis for further efforts toward the improvement of trade relations between the two countries, the Department will not be in a position to support further applications for petroleum products unless prompt steps are taken by the Spanish Government to insure early deliveries to this country of substantial quantities of the Spanish products mentioned in the proposals. In other words, it is expected that the effective application of the proposals will result in genuinely reciprocal trade operations in which the products furnished this country by Spain will have a real relationship to the usefulness to Spain of the products this country may supply.

While this Government is proceeding without further delay to authorize the loading of the tankers above mentioned, it is desired that the most forthright and complete assurances be furnished by the Spanish Government guaranteeing that these petroleum products will be exclusively and solely used by Spain and that the Spanish Government will take all necessary steps to make good this guarantee.

  1. Missing from Department files, but presumably the same as the memorandum quoted in telegram No. 18, January 8, to the Ambassador in Spain, p. 248.