853B.20/45: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Portugal (Fish)
326. Department’s 319, March 31, 9 p.m. The Department is now in receipt of a telegraphic report from Ponta Delgada to the effect that all foreigners living outside Ponta Delgada in the Island of São Miguel are required to move into the city before April 5. From this report it appears that the order will affect mainly American citizens of whom there are known to be 94. In addition there are said to be hundreds who by reason of American birth are in a position to claim American citizenship.
Please bring to the attention of the Portuguese Government the hardship this measure may be expected to occasion and remind the Government that Portuguese nationals in this country are subject to no comparable restriction although this country is at war. State that [Page 234] it is assumed that the measure has been taken by the local government without instructions from Lisbon and express the hope that the central government will issue instructions to the insular authorities to insure that treatment will be accorded American citizens resident in the Azores equally liberal as that accorded Portuguese citizens in the United States.
While taking this matter up with the Portuguese Government you should endeavor to ascertain why such severe measures are being applied in the Azores.
Report by cable at the earliest possible moment.