853B.20/45: Telegram

The Consul at Ponta Delgada, Azores (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

97. I have received a circular letter dated March 28 from the Civil Governor of Ponta Delgada transmitting an order of the military command of the Azores of which the following is translation of the text:

  • “1. All foreigners without exception are required to concentrate themselves on the football field of the local high school following any rifle firing or signal of 3 shots fired by artillery or the firing of three mortars.
  • 2. All foreigners including consular officers found outside the concentration field 1 hour after the beginning of the concentration will be considered spies and will be executed without trial of any kind.
  • 3. Any foreigner who by reason of exceptional conditions is unable to present himself in the concentration camp shall communicate at once with the General Headquarters of the Military Command and must at once consider himself a prisoner in the place where he is.”

This action is probably the result of recent flights by unidentified planes over this island too high to be recognized but one heard by me about 6 a.m. March 27 sounded like a German motor. Compliance with this order would leave no time for the destruction of codes, confidential correspondence, passport blanks, et cetera. I pointed out to the Governor that in case of emergency I am instructed by my Government to remain in the Consulate. I respectfully request instructions. The Legation has been informed. Please acknowledge the receipt of this telegram as I am in doubt whether it will be transmitted.
