811.20 Defense (M) Portugal/163: Telegram
The Minister in Portugal (Fish) to the Secretary of State
Lisbon, August 19,
1942—7 p.m.
[Received 8:17 p.m.]
[Received 8:17 p.m.]
1076. Department’s 1127, August 18, 11 p.m. My British colleague has not yet received any instructions from London and we have arranged to consult as soon as they arrive. In the meantime, I wish to make the following comments:
- 1.
- I fully agree with the Department that the matter discussed in paragraph 2 of its telegram number 1127, August 18, 11 p.m. (no reference to which appeared in telegraphic instruction number 998, July 18, 7 p.m.13 or subsequent telegrams) is the immediate cause of the Portuguese Government’s attitude. Apparently London was equally unaware of the Department’s commitment to Bianchi on this point for it instructed the British Embassy in Lisbon to present just such a letter defining “free wolfram” as was jointly sent. As it happened, this instruction crossed with the report of the action having been taken.
- 2.
- However, since the Legation and the British Embassy remain under the threatening remarks and letter which Dr. Salazar authorized Fernandes to convey, it is important that the conversations between the Department and the British Embassy in Washington and Bianchi should be completed by the receipt of Bianchi’s reply before the missions here make any approach to the Portuguese Government on this subject. It is suggested that when these interchanges have been satisfactorily concluded (and if my British colleague is instructed to sign) Bianchi be requested to inform Dr. Salazar personally that I am being instructed to sign the agreement—and that I then be so notified. Incidentally by that time the Department will have received the Legation’s despatch 563 of August 1513 which contains the requested full text.
- 3.
- I might add that unless it is clear to Dr. Salazar that we are not just signing as the result of his threats these arbitrary tactics will become his favorite.