740.0011 European War 1939/210432/4
The Under Secretary of State (Welles) to President Roosevelt 78
My Dear Mr. President: I am enclosing herewith a memorandum handed me today by the Polish Ambassador79 in accordance with instructions he had received today from General Sikorski.
With regard to the request of General Sikorski set forth on page 6 of this memorandum, I stated to the Ambassador that, in my judgment, you had already made known to the British Government in the clearest terms the views of the Government of the United States in regard to this question, and that it seemed to me there was nothing you could add at this time to the views you had already expressed. I added, however, that if you desired me to communicate any further or additional message to General Sikorski with regard to this point, I would let the Ambassador know.
With regard to the last point mentioned in this memorandum, I have already sent a cable tonight to our Embassy in London80 suggesting to General Marshall that he have a conference with General Sikorski.81
Believe me [etc.]
- The President initialed this letter: “S.W. OK FDR”.↩
- Not printed; this was a request that the United States Government support the Polish Government’s representations to the British Government with regard to the right of the Polish Government to participate in discussions involving its territorial boundaries and in all matters pertaining to Bukovina and Lithuania (740.0011 E. W. 1939/21043¼).↩
- Not printed.↩
- General Marshall did have a conference with General Sikorski, who handed over a memorandum dated April 13, 1942, which dealt entirely with recommendations for the conduct of the war. Ambassador Biddle sent copies of this memorandum to the Department in his Polish Series despatch No. 143 of April 22, 1942 not printed (740.0011 E. W. 1939/21226).↩