811B.001 Quezon, Manuel/2–242: Telegram

The Chief of Staff (Marshall) to the Commanding’ General of United States Army Forces in the Far East (MacArthur)

Re your number 187, February 2nd: The President and his advisers feel that if and when military considerations no longer call for continued presence of President Quezon and other Philippine officials the evacuation of Quezon and family, of Osmeña and of other such officials will become desirable.

The question whether any of those persons and whether any other persons including Mr. Sayre and family, Mrs. MacArthur and son, and other Americans, shall at any time be evacuated will be for your decision in the light of the military situation, the feasibility and hazard of operation of evacuation and wishes of individuals concerned.

Opportunities for such evacuation should occur shortly with arrival of a submarine from the south carrying 3 inch AA ammunition to you and another from Hawaii also carrying 3 inch ammunition.

Steps will be taken to provide for reception of those evacuated at whatever places they may be taken while enroute to this country and upon their arrival in United States.33 Acknowledge.

  1. On the night of February 20, President Quezon and his party left Corregidor en route to Australia and the United States. High Commissioner Sayre and party left 2 days later. General MacArthur and party left on March 12.