811B.001 Quezon, Manuel L./165: Telegram

The Commanding General of United States Army Forces in the Far East (MacArthur) to the Chief of Staff (Marshall)

187. In case of ultimate loss of Bataan and consequent siege of Corregidor the question arises as to the ultimate preservation of President Quezon and his family, Vice President Osmeña and the immediate members of the Commonwealth Cabinet. By that time the usefulness of his presence here due to the changed conditions will have been greatly dissipated. I have no means of evacuating him and his physical condition precludes use of air transportation. It is possible [Page 892] he could obtain [sustain?] a submarine trip. Can any plans be arranged from Washington for his possible evacuation thereto? Under the contingency I have described he wishes to take advantage of the previous suggestion that he be evacuated to the United States.
