895.01/96: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)
283. Reference Department’s telegrams no. 199, March 20, 9 p.m.; 263, April 7; and your 381, April 10, 10 a.m. As a manifestation of the cooperative spirit underlying this Government’s desire to exchange information with the Chinese Government in reference to the Korean situation, please inform the Chinese Vice Foreign Minister urgently that we hope that, before the Chinese Government takes any definitive action with regard to the question of recognition of a Provisional Government of Korea, it will be so good as to make available to us its views and conclusions in this matter. You may, in your discretion, mention that any question which has bearing upon free movements against the Axis powers is, of course, one in which other governments among the United Nations have interest and in regard to which parallel and cooperative action by the interested governments would be desirable so far as practical.
Dr. T. V. Soong recently handed to the President a memorandum on the Korean situation and it is expected that the President will discuss that situation with Dr. Soong at some time during the coming week.