Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
Lord Halifax called to see me this afternoon at his request. In the course of his conversation the Ambassador informed me for the confidential information of this Government that the Viceroy of India had yesterday reported that the general situation in India was far better and that the only province where disorders were continuing was the Province of Behar. The Viceroy also reported—and it was desired that this piece of information be kept strictly secret—that a strike was in progress at Tata’s iron works in Calcutta where by far the greatest volume of war production in India was being undertaken. This strike was causing much concern to the Government of India. The Ambassador stated that no conversations of any kind were in progress between the Government of India and the Indian National Congress and that none were anticipated. He stated that the Viceroy was firmly of the opinion that the Indian Government had the situation well in hand and that no serious crisis was likely at least for some time to come.