123 Johnson, Louis A./1: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Commissioner at New Delhi (Wilson)
49. In view of the radically changed conditions in the Middle East and particularly in India brought about by the war, the President feels that it is essential to have in India one who has had close recent contact with military affairs and who is well known to the leaders of our Armed forces. Without in any way therefore bringing into question the value of the services which you have rendered both in Calcutta [Page 618] and New Delhi and while fully realizing the inconveniences to which you will be put, he is appointing the Honorable Louis A. Johnson, formerly Assistant Secretary of War, to be his Personal Representative at New Delhi with the rank of Minister Plenipotentiary. Notification of Colonel Johnson’s appointment is being effected through the British Ambassador in Washington today. Colonel Johnson will reach India in about 3 weeks’ time. You are instructed to report to the Department en route to a new post and you should depart as soon as you conveniently can after Colonel Johnson’s arrival. Inasmuch as you will not return to New Delhi, you are authorized to pack and ship your effects to the nearest United States port. Traveling expenses and per diem are authorized subject to the travel regulations. Travel by air authorized. Report date of departure.