
Press Release Issued by the Department of State, March 9, 1942

The Department of State announced today the personnel of the Advisory Mission of the United States to assist the war effort in India. The personnel of the mission is as follows:

  • Chairman, Colonel Louis Johnson, former Assistant Secretary of War
  • Honorable Henry Grady, former Assistant Secretary of State—General economic surveys
  • Honorable Arthur W. Herrington, President, Society of Automotive Engineers—production of armored vehicles and automotive equipment
  • Honorable Harry E. Beyster, President, Beyster Engineering Company—organization of plants for production
  • Honorable Dirk Dekker, Director of Personnel and Training, Illinois Steel Corporation—specialist in training unskilled workers into semi- and skilled workers

It is understood that, should it appear advantageous, additional members may be added to the Commission to assist in solving specific technical problems.