811.2222 (1940)/591
The Secretary of State to the Swedish Minister (Boström)
Sir: Further reference is made to your note no. 38 of January 27, 1942 concerning the application of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, to Swedish subjects.
With respect to Swedish subjects in the United States who do not also possess American citizenship, you are informed that such persons [Page 490] may, prior to induction, apply to be relieved from liability for military service. Persons making such application are thereafter debarred from becoming citizens of the United States.
Swedish subjects who are temporarily in the United States may make application for determination of their residence and in the event it is found that they are not “residing” in the United States within the meaning of the Act they may be issued an Alien’s Certificate of Non-Residence which will exempt them from compliance with the provisions of the Act requiring the registration and service of aliens residing in the United States. The regulations with respect to such persons may be found on page 855 of the Federal Register for February 10, 1942.
The Department will be glad to give consideration to the case of any Swedish subject also possessing American citizenship who is called for military service and who claims exemption from such service under the Convention of January 31, 1933 between the United States and Sweden.14
With respect to your request that Swedish subjects liable to military service in the United States who have not yet been inducted be informed of their right to claim exemption from such service, the Department is advised by the Selective Service System as follows:
“Every effort is being made to inform registrants who are citizens or subjects of neutral countries as to the manner in which they may be relieved of liability for training and service. When Public Law 360, 77th Congress, approved December 20, 1941, was enacted, this office immediately proceeded with the preparation of the regulations and forms necessary to carry out its provisions. These regulations and forms are now being printed and distributed. They provide that each alien registrant be sent a special questionnaire, which is designated as the ‘Alien’s Personal History and Statement (Form 304).’ In Series XI of this questionnaire, each alien must state specifically whether or not he objects to service in the land or naval forces of the United States. Each alien registrant is also informed in Series XI as to the extent of his obligation for training and service. An alien registrant who is a citizen or subject of a neutral country is informed that if he does not wish to serve in the land or naval forces of the United States, he may apply to his local board for an ‘Application by Alien for Relief from Military Service (Form 301)’ which, when executed by him and filed with his local board, will relieve him from the obligation to serve in the land or naval forces of the United States, but will also debar him from thereafter becoming a citizen of the United States.
Each local board has been instructed not to forward any alien registrant for induction until these regulations and forms have been distributed. Such registrants will then be forwarded only after following the procedure prescribed in the regulations.
[Page 491]When the prescribed regulations and forms have all been printed, this Headquarters, upon request, will be pleased to send copies thereof to the Swedish Legation for their information.”
Accept [etc.]