701.0090/34: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 14—4:04 p.m.]
2078. American interests—Japan. Legation’s 1971, May 8. Swiss Minister Tokyo telegraphs May 7.
“Japanese Foreign Office estimates that vessel Asama Maru can take 850 passengers from Japan, Manchukuo, Hong Kong, Indochina and Thailand, namely 198 officials and 652 non-officials. Latter figure broken down as follows: 38 from Manchukuo, 300 from Hong Kong, 11 from Indochina, 69 from Thailand and 234 from Japan. Conte Verde can take approximately 650 passengers from China.”
In transmitting foregoing Swiss Minister stresses that estimate was given to him in confidence and that he is passing it on with a view to assisting the Department in forming idea of manner in which repatriation and evacuation of American citizens is to be carried out.