701.9411/1664: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle)
664. In reference to Department’s telegram today25 transmitting text of reply delivered to Spanish Embassy regarding most recent Japanese communication concerning exchange, particular attention is called to numbered paragraph 4.
[Page 407]Department feels that indications given in this paragraph are sufficient to enable Swiss representatives in the Far East to make up an equitable list of American non-officials to be placed on board the exchange vessel or vessels. Particular emphasis is to be laid upon the fact that it is desired that equal facilities be given nationals of other American Republics and of Canada. It is assumed that the other governments involved will through their representing powers indicate the nature of priority among their nationals. It is likewise assumed that these nationals are relatively few in number and that their inclusion will not displace United States nationals.
It is requested that the Swiss representatives report urgently if they encounter obstacles in communicating the terms of the exchange agreement to repatriable Americans or in conferring with Department’s officers regarding questions of doubt in making up lists of repatriables. Should Japanese authorities in any case question classification of an American permitting his repatriation, Department should be promptly furnished with entire facts in the case.
Please point out to Swiss Government that remaining time before exchange may be expected to be consummated is very limited and that it is urged that communications regarding the exchange be given every possible priority.
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