
Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Protocol (Woodward)

Supervision of the Staffs of the Former Japanese Embassy and Consulates at the Homestead Hotel, Hot Springs, Virginia

1. The personnel of the former Japanese Embassy and the consulates shall be afforded use of the hotel grounds within such limitations as may be determined.

2. None of the Japanese personnel will be permitted to have direct communication with any outside person in any way. None of the personnel will be permitted to have visitors.

3. A representative of the Spanish Embassy shall be designated and his name furnished the State Department. This representative shall be assigned a room at the hotel where all conferences with the Japanese personnel shall take place and the Spanish representative will be permitted to talk with members of the personnel without supervision.

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4. There will be no sending sets or short wave receiving sets permitted in the hotel.

5. There shall be uncensored mail communication between the Spanish Embassy and the former Japanese Ambassador. All mail from the Spanish Embassy shall be addressed to the former Japanese Ambassador under the seal of the Embassy and will be transmitted to the State Department. This mail will then be placed in State Department official envelopes and transmitted by the Department to its representative at the hotel who will in turn deliver it to the designated person representing the former Japanese Ambassador at the hotel.

All mail destined to the Spanish Embassy from the hotel will be given to the State Department representative at the hotel for transmission to the State Department which will in turn deliver it to the Spanish Embassy.

6. The Spanish Embassy will be permitted unrestricted communication by telephone with the former Japanese Ambassador at the hotel or his designated representative, and vice versa.