701.6211/1599: Telegram
The Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 5—5:15 p.m.]
891. American interests—Germany. Department’s 485, February 19.45 Swiss Foreign Office note March 3 forwards copy note February 26 addressed to Swiss Legation, Berlin, by German Foreign Office of which following is translation:
“Ministry Foreign Affairs in reference to notes verbales 38, January 10, 48, January 12, 131, January 30, and 213, February 12, from Swiss Legation regarding extensions and changes in proposals of [Page 328] American Government for carrying out of exchange of diplomats, consuls, and their dependents has honor communicate following:
1. To make agreement as clear as possible and in consideration of personal interests of persons to be exchanged, German Government proposes paragraph 8 (Department’s 338, December 19) of original American proposal be extended by following addition ‘German, Government is prepared on basis of reciprocity to extend freedom from search or control to all persons who are included in exchange and to their personal belongings taken with them’.
2. German Government agrees to changes proposed under paragraphs 11, 12, and 13 of original American proposal (Department’s 338, December 19).
3. Regarding scope of persons to be exchanged, German Government proposes agreement that in addition to diplomatic, consular, and business personnel and their families, their employees and household servants there also be included in exchange, regularly accredited press representatives including radio announcers, press photographers as well as representatives of film companies, and members of Chambers of Commerce and members of their families.
German Government also agrees on basis of reciprocity to include in exchange, immediate family relatives of officials of both Governments even if these officials have not been or no longer are assigned to country from which the repatriation is made.
4. German Government expresses expectation that nonofficial German citizens with their families and their accompanying personal effects who travelled to North America with the German official exchange group from the different Central American countries including Venezuela and Colombia be included in exchange.
It is pointed out that these German citizens left former country of residence with approval of Government of country in good faith for an unhindered possibility for their homeward travel.
5. German Government agrees that exchange of further nonofficial persons at later time is reserved and will be subject of further negotiations after the carrying out of exchange of diplomatic personnel.
6. German Government is ready on basis of reciprocity to allow members of all American exchange groups that in addition to baggage brought with them to their present location, they can also take with them their household effects (with exception of furniture).
7. In order to expedite exchange of German diplomatic groups in those countries of American continents which have declared war on Germany or have broken off diplomatic relations, against corresponding groups of these countries in German territory, German Government intends accept a proposal of Brazilian Government according this proposal German diplomatic, consular, and business personnel with members of their families as well as a number of nonofficial German citizens with their families in Brazil will be immediately exchanged against corresponding categories of Brazilian persons in German territory. This exchange is also to take place in Lisbon and a ship is to go directly from Rio de Janeiro to Lisbon and from there again return to Rio de Janeiro.
German personnel and a certain number of nonofficial German citizens from other South American countries which broke off diplomatic [Page 329] relations with Germany after conference Rio de Janeiro namely Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay will be assembled Buenos Aires and will be sent direct to Lisbon on ship chartered for this purpose where exchange will be carried out against corresponding categories of persons in German territory.
In regard question of safe-conducts for these two exchange ships, appropriate protecting powers of German Government will get in touch with Governments of countries at war in suitable time.
German Government considers as before that exchange from and with all countries of American continents according to original proposals of Government of United States is complete plan for whose success all nations at war carry responsibility. Division of exchange as a whole into three sections is for technical reasons and is done for purpose of simplifying and expediting exchange.”
Swiss Legation, Berlin, adds German Foreign Office had not yet received contents Department’s 485, February 19 when drafting above.