701.6511/1212: Telegram

The Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle) to the Secretary of State

77. American interests, Italy. Legation’s 6, 2d. Swiss Foreign Office note January 7 transmits following text telegram from Swiss Legation, Rome, containing further statement of Italian Government relating to exchange of personnel of the other American Republics: (Italian translation)

“There follows detailed statement concerning those clauses of note concerned particularly with exchange of diplomatic and consular personnel and of Italian citizens now in those Central and South American States which have broken diplomatic relations or which are at war with Italy, against diplomatic consular personnel and citizens of such States in Italy. American Government proposes that on steamer which will transport to Lisbon personnel Italian Embassy Washington there be also embarked the Italian diplomatic [and] consular officials and families and dependent employees now in territories of Central and South American Republics. American Government will provide at its expense for journey such personnel from Washington or other places in United States to port embarkation. This privilege will be extended likewise to transportation and embarkation their personal effects but will be limited to space available on board ship and to possibility arranging embarkment as soon as possible. Italian Government has agreed to this proposal with the [Page 302] assurance that for its part there will be no difficulty for the diplomatic and consular personnel of Central and South American Republics departing from Italy to be placed on the diplomatic trains Rome to Lisbon. As far as transportation baggage is concerned, it has been stated that this privilege shall not be for less than three trunks per person and for hand baggage. Transportation expenses on diplomatic trains Rome to Lisbon and on board steamer will be borne by respective Governments. Italian officials and families and their personnel repatriated from Central and South America will not be subject control or visit by North American and British authorities either on land or sea. Same privilege will be accorded by Italian Government to officials Central and South American Republics, their families and personnel, who are being repatriated within Italian territory. Italian Government has agreed to proposal of American Government to include in exchange and under same conditions the official personnel Central and South American Republics formerly accredited to the countries associated with Axis and who are to be repatriated.”
